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school leavers & gap year opportunities


SU Scotland Gap Year

You don't need me to tell you that the past year has been tough, but in the midst of it all, people still need Jesus, perhaps more than ever before. So, if you'd like to spend a year sharing Jesus with the young people in Scotland (and Ukraine!) bringing hope whilst having a lot of fun, perhaps our gap year is for you.   

If you are aged 16 to 25, we have a variety of placements: from local youth work, to a year at one of our activity centres, to a comms and design placement, all tailored specifically to you. And regardless of where we're at with the pandemic, we will find creative (and safe) ways to train you, support you and send you out. It will be a year of growth in faith, skills and relationship with God, as you step out in faith. And as Paul says in Philippians 2v15-16: "Then you will shine among them like stars in the sky as you hold firmly to the word of life."  

Applications still open for 2021-2022, and in August for 22-23. 

FirstServe Gap Year

FirstServe is a unique Christian gap year programme for 18-30 year olds, designed to bring you closer to God through mission.

The programme kicks off with four weeks of studying the Bible and Christian mission, followed by 4-6 weeks in a UK church, and then 3-6 months serving overseas.

Our FirstServe gap year programme is bespoke to you, and we’ll tailor it to your availability, gifts and calling. So, if there is a country or area of service you’re particularly interested in, then get in touch to chat about what we offer. Previous FirstServers have visited countries such as Peru, Bolivia, Zambia, Italy, India and France, but we have contact with mission workers around the world. 

Overseas location options may be limited due to COVID19 pandemic.

Fusion Scotland
Prep for Uni/College course 2021

If you're hoping to start uni or college in September, come along to a series of interactive zoom sessions to meet with others who are in the same situation and get really well prepared for this exciting new stage of your life! 

The course will be running over the four Wednesday afternoons in August from 3:30pm- 5pm and will look at how to live with, and for, Jesus really well in the midst of university culture.

There will be discussions, activities, input, games and time to get to know others who are going to be studying in the same city as you. You're welcome to come alone or with friends (who are also going onto further education), with or without your youth worker.

If you're a youth worker please do come along with your youth and join this journey with them!

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Student Linkup

If you are starting college or uni come September and are planning on trying out a new church then check out the Student Linkup app. You simply say where you are going to study and it shows you local churches. Each church has written a little bit about themselves and you can use it to message their student worker to find out what activities they have going on! It’s a great way to find a church and get plugged in! Search student linkup in your app store

Reign Ministries

Ever thought about doing what your youth leader does?  You could earn a degree in youth ministry whilst you stay at home doing a placement in your own church!  Reign Ministries, through a partnership with ForMission College and Newman University, offers a 3 year BA (Hons) degree in theology and mission, specialising in youth ministry.  Rather than leave home and live in halls, you will do a placement at your own church, helping to lead and shape the youth work there.  You will get weekly coaching and join all the other students for six residential training weeks spread out across the year, as well as being able to access SAAS student finance.  Explore today how you can stay in Scotland and study youth ministry, gaining experience and friends along the way!  

UCCF: The Christian Unions

What does living for Jesus at university after Covid look like? How can I meet other Christian students on my campus? You can get answers to these questions, and get to know other Christians before you arrive by linking up with your university Christian Union.

Christian Unions are groups of students from a range of local churches, joining together to help everyone at uni engage with the life-changing message of Jesus.

Click on the Find Out More button to connect with your CU, and access tips and resources on starting uni.”


Emerging Influencers - We Are Tearfund

The We Are Tearfund Community are a generation who, together, can end extreme poverty. We are passionate about the next generation being leaders in justice in every sphere of society in order to put a stop to extreme poverty and follow Jesus where the need is greatest. Therefore join our community by becoming an Emerging Influencer.

Emerging Influencers is a six week leadership programme for 17-23 year olds that connects you with like-minded game changers, helps you develop a theological understanding of justice and equips you to positively impact people living in poverty facing the coronavirus pandemic. You'll have a 1-1 mentor, weekly sessions with inspiring speakers, and have the opportunity to make a tangible impact!⁠ Plus it is completely free. There are limited spaces for the next programme in Sept/Oct 2021 so to register your interest and for more information click the button below!

Youth For Christ : The Year Out

Still unsure what do in September? Why not consider a gap year with Youth for Christ? Whether it be developing skills, creating memories, building friendships or discovering opportunities, The Year Out goes further than a typical gap year; what you take with you will last a lifetime. 

We offer 4 fantastic streams for you to choose from which vary in the experience you will receive:  

Youth Evangelism 

Home Grown  

Digital Media 

Touring: The Sense  

The Year Out Training 

Throughout the year you will receive monthly training with all the other Year Outs. The three key aims of our training are;

1. Grow a deeper relationship with Jesus
2. Develop in youthwork skills 
3. A greater confidence in sharing your faith     

You will also receive a certificate in Mental Health First Aid training and a Youth Evangelism module accreditation.  

Speak to someone from our team 

If you wish to call someone from our team then please do get in touch. We’d love to hear from you! Click the link and pick a date and time to suit you.